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Wednesday 26 June 2024

TTI Summer Forum
AI - One Year On
@ House of Lords

Just one year ago, AI was more a talking point than actually being used in practice. We’ve moved on fast. Now AI is being used by first mover businesses who are already yielding the benefits. It is this real world use of AI that was explored and amplified on by our two expert speakers.


Andy Owen Jones, Managing Director, SMARTSEER

Alisdair Luxmoore, Founder & Director, Vamoos

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Seamless Travel  - does AI have a role to play?
TTI Spring Conference 2024

Seamless travel is about creating a frictionless experience for travellers as they interact with travel companies across all touchpoints whether these are search, book, in-trip or all the myriad of other touchpoints that contribute to the entire traveller experience.


  • Lalit Gupta, Senior Industry Manager, Google UK

  • Anthony McClean, Lead Technical Product Manager, Holiday Extras

  • David Stewart, CEO, Travelshift

  • Philip Kunze, Senior Account Executive, chatlyn

  • Alison Rawlings, Managing Director, Bunnyfoot

Thursday 8 February 2024

- Parlez with Paul -
VIP in conversation - Roberto da Re, CEO & Founder, Travel Ledger

Paul Richer was in conversation with Roberto da Re, CEO & Founder of Travel Ledger, the global settlement network for the travel industry. Roberto has been involved in travel technology for over 30 years. His travel tech journey started in 1990 when he joined Sabre Travel Network and then founded Dolphin Dynamics in 1995.

In this webinar, we heard from Roberto about how his career developed, his thinking and motivation for the business decisions he took. We learnt about Roberto’s thoughts on travel technology’s current state of play and where it and the wider travel industry might be heading in the future, as we move into the era of artificial intelligence.

28 November 2023

- Parlez with Paul -
VIP in conversation - Julia Lo Bue-Said, CEO, Advantage Travel Partnership

Paul Richer was in conversation with Julia Lo Bue-Said, Chief Executive Officer, Advantage Travel Partnership. Julia was appointed Managing Director over 10 years ago and became CEO in 2018.

In this webinar we heard about Julia's career, her Government lobbying during the Covid crisis, her thoughts on retail travel and the wider travel industry.

20 September 2023

AI & Beyond
TTI's Autumn Conference

How is AI already being harnessed and put to use? What is its potential for the future? These are just a two of the questions that were addressed by a line-up of senior executives - expert speakers who agreed to share their experiences and their thoughts on the future. 


  • Mark Thompson, CIO, Palatinate Group

  • Jon Pickles, Chief Revenue Officer, Inspiretec

  • Markus Stumpe, CEO & Co-Founder, AIntesify

  • Shie Gabbai, CEO, Roam Around

  • Lee Ainsworth, Head of Operations, Advantage Travel Partnership

2 August 2023

- Parlez with Paul -
VIP in conversation - Suzanne Horner, CEO, Gray Dawes Travel

Paul Richer was in conversation with Suzanne Horner, CEO of Gray Dawes Travel and Chair of the Business Travel Association.

Suzanne joined Gray Dawes Travel in 2011, more than tripled turnover in her first four years and has presided over continued business expansion.

In this webinar we heard about Suzanne's career, her thoughts on corporate travel as it stands today and the future of Gray Dawes Travel, herself and the wider travel industry.

14 June 2023

Summer Forum at House of Lords
What does the Future Hold for AI in Travel and Tourism?

ChatGPT and Google's Bard have put artificial intelligence in the news. AI is already in action in travel and tourism but the technology is developing fast. At TTI's Summer Forum we heard from two leading authorities about what the future might hold for AI in Travel and Tourism.

A House of Lords traditional English tea was followed by presentations from our expert speakers:

  • Andy Owen Jones, Founder and Managing Director, BD4 Travel

  • Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Director eTourism Lab, Deputy Director International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bournemouth University

23 March 2023

Spring Conference
TTI Travel Tech Summit 2023

The entire travel industry is driven by its technology. After all, travel is just information at the point of sale. For its Spring Conference, TTI assembled a group of speakers, each of whom covered a vital area of travel technology, from how to succeed on TikTok to artificial intelligence to how to guard against cyber-crime wrecking your business.


  • Roberto da Re, Founder, Travel Ledger

  • Yona Fredricks-Elekima, Founder, The Takeoff Club

  • Darren Gale,VP International, IronNet

  • Riaan van Schoor, CEO, Agentivity

  • Steven Dow, SVP Hospitality UK, Ireland and North America, planet

22 February 2023

TTIrooms - Room Type Mapping
Webinar on Zoom

Mapping property locations is simple when compared to mapping room types. Room Types is a different challenge, with many variables e.g. hotel, apartment, suite, villa, dorm, etc. Add in that bed banks, wholesalers, channels, even hotels themselves will often define the same room differently, making the task of room type mapping even more complex.

This webinar looked at the key principles of Room Type Mapping and also explored different ways in which you can utilise the service from a very basic application to providing your clients, whether they be agents or direct bookers, with more sophisticated search options.

25 January 2023

- Parlez with Paul -
VIP in Conversation - Simon Powell, CEO, Inspiretec

Simon Powell is one of the UK's foremost travel technology entrepreneurs, successfully founding, acquiring and selling a number of travel tech businesses. He is currently Chief Executive Officer at Inspiretec, a customer-first technology partner providing end-to-end digital and technical solutions to help travel and leisure businesses grow.

In this webinar, we heard from Simon about how his career developed and the thinking behind the key business-building decisions he took. We also heard his thoughts on travel technology, the wider travel industry and where we may be heading in the future.

9 November 2022

Winter Forum
The World is Going Botty

From chatbots to robots, consumers are increasingly accepting the fact that they will be interacting with machines rather than humans. What are the latest developments in the bot-world and what are the implications for travel companies, hospitality businesses and their customers? Our bot expert presented the current state of play and where the technology is taking us in the future.


  • Daniel Wishnia, Chief Digital Transformation Officer, Aroundtown SA

14 September 2022

Autumn Conference
Travel Technology - Back to the Future?

​For its Autumn Conference, TTI assembled a group of forward thinking technologists to present their views to you on where the industry is heading. They gave us the lowdown on some of the latest technologies, from artificial intelligence to virtual reality, from Blockchain to mobile apps. We learnt how these technologies are being applied to the travel industry to create new opportunities for improved efficiency and completely new ways of doing business.


  • Richard Baker, Chief Commercial Officer, Inspiretec 

  • Jill Stephens, Sales Director, Click4Assistance 

  • Justin Morshead, Commercial Director, Travel Ledger 

  • Alisdair Luxmoore, Founder & Director, Vamoos

  • Andrew McGuiness, Chief Executive Officer,
    Layered Reality 

19 August 2022

Travel Republic's Managing Director,
Antonio Fellino, in Conversation

Originally founded in 2003, Travel Republic has built a reputation for being one of the UK’s leading online travel companies.


In this webinar, Antonio Fellino was in conversation with Paul Richer.

Antonio talked about the pressures that the travel industry has been under, how Travel Republic has coped during the pandemic, the importance of getting product and technology right and how he has the objective of repositioning Travel Republic as one of the foremost technology-led travel companies.

16 June 2022

Summer Forum @ the House of Lords
Hospitality & Tourism – Back in Business?

How has hospitality and tourism fared over the last two years? What is the current situation and what is the prognosis for the future?  To answer these questions, TTI lined up two expert speakers who gave us the lowdown on what has taken place and what may happen in the near future.  In addition, we heard from a special guest, Sally-Ann Hart MP, Vice Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Hospitality and Tourism.


  • Sally-Ann Hart MP, Vice Chairman, All Party Parliamentary Group on Hospitality and Tourism

  • Thomas Magnuson, CEO, Magnuson Hotels

  • Joss Croft, CEO, UKinbound

12 May 2022

Latest Hotel Robotics Technology

TTI was privileged that one of the world’s leading authorities on Hotel Innovation agreed to lead this webinar.  Daniel Wishnia presented a round-up of the latest developments in hotel robotics technology. 


  • Daniel Wishnia,Chief Digital Transformation Officer,
    Aroundtown SA

24 March 2022

Spring Conference
Riding the Roller Coaster

Thanks to Covid, the travel industry has been going through a period of extreme volatility.  For its Spring Conference, TTI assembled a group of speakers that spoke with authority on how hard the industry has been hit in the last few years and where it might be  heading in the future.


  • Andrew Crowe, Consultant - Travel and Tourism, Babble

  • Tom Jenkins, Chief Executive, ETOA

  • Robert Griggs, Director of Policy &Public Affairs, Airlines UK

  • Kelly Cookes, Leisure Director, Advantage Travel Partnership

  • Dave Bishop, Chief Commercial Officer, Gray Dawes Group

  • Simon Lifford, Head of Sales and Marketing, Villa Plus

24 February 2022

- webinar -
Is the Cheapest Price really the Best Price?

Using four distinct profiles, the Family, the Business Executive, the Affluent Couple from the baby boomer years and Party Goers, this webinar examined how we can better fulfil each group’s expectations when searching for hotel availability.

TTI Expert Presenter

  • Pete Hazel, Projects Coordinator, Travel Technology Initiative

1 December 2021

Customer Engagement - Winter Forum

The customer journey is the series of interactions between your business and its customers. From a first interaction with you and then throughout the entire customer life cycle, it is critical to maximise the benefit of each and every opportunity for engagement.

For this Forum, TTI assembled a group of expert speakers who gave us better insight into how to excel at customer engagement.


  • Thomas Magnuson, CEO, Magnuson Hotels

  • Guy Proddow, Director and Co-Founder, Golfbreaks

  • Matt Illston, Managing Director, Mr Zen

  • Frank Orman, Managing Director, LeadGeneratorsDigital

  • Mario Bellinzona, Chief Commercial Officer, bd4travel

23 September 2021

Travel Futures - Autumn Conference

Whilst no one can predict what the future holds for the travel industry, those with long-standing experience and expertise in  travel have the knowledge needed to better see into the future. With this in mind, TTI assembled a group of speakers that spoke with authority on where the industry is heading.


  • Joss Croft, Chief Executive Officer, UKinbound

  • Jon Pickles, Chief Operating Officer, Kaptio

  •  Roberto da Re, Chief Executive Officer, Travel Ledger

  •  Clare de Bono, General Manager UK and Ireland, Amadeus

  • John Boulding, Chief Marketing Officer, Vox Group

  • John Abel, Technical Director, Office of the CTO, Google Cloud

5 August 2021

TTI was delighted that Glenn Fogel, Chief Executive Officer and President of Booking Holdings agreed to be in conversation with Paul Richer of Genesys Digital Transformation.  Booking Holdings is the world’s leading provider of online travel and related services.

​Glenn has served as Booking Holdings Chief Executive Officer and President since January 2017 and has been Chief Executive Officer of since June 2019.


  • Glenn Fogel, CEO and President, Booking Holdings

17 June 2021

The New Normal - Summer Forum

The big question was whether the new normal with all its concerns and inconveniences is The New Normal or was just an interim period before slowly and steadily we returned to the freedom with which we travelled prior to the COVID-19 pandemic?

For its Summer Forum and to address this crucial question, TTI assembled a team of the most senior experts from a variety of travel sectors.


  • Simon Calder, Travel Journalist and Broadcaster

  • Clive Wratten, Chief Executive, Business Travel Association

  • Robert Griggs, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Airlines UK

  • Martyn Sumners, Executive Director, AITO

  • Jon Pickles, Chief Operating Officer, Kaptio

  • Julia Lo Bue-Said, Chief Executive Officer, The Advantage Travel Partnership

29 April 2021

In this webinar, you will heard from Roberto da Re, CEO, why he and his fellow founders took the decision to develop Travel Ledger as a Blockchain application, how development has proceeded and how Travel Ledger will truly benefit the whole industry, buyers, sellers and technology companies,  with "Trust" at its core.


  • Roberto da Re, CEO, Travel Ledger

  • Justin Morshead, Co-Founder, Travel Ledger

18 March 2021

The pandemic has been nothing less than catastrophic for the travel industry. .

For TTI’s Spring Conference, we .assembled a group of some of the most influential people within travel and tourism. They gave their take on working together to get past the pandemic and get back to profitability.


  • Rob Paterson, CEO, Best Western Hotel Group GB

  • Simon McNamara, Country Manager United Kingdom & Ireland, IATA

  • Tom Jenkins, Director, European Tourism Association

  • Angus Urquhart, Sales Director, GeneMe UK

  • Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Director of eTourism Lab, Bournemouth University Business School

  • Richard Baker, Chief Commercial Officer, Inspiretec

28 Jan 2021

Working Together for a Brighter Future

Our series of Webinars aimed to help you achieve three things:

  1. Create a much better user experience for your booker or guest

  2. Create up-sell opportunities

  3. Use digital content to meet your customer’s aspirations.


  • Peter Hazel, TTI Projects Coordinator

  • Frank Reeves, CEO, Avvio

  • Paul Nixon, Managing Director, Intuitive Systems

  • Howard Rosenthal, Partner, D4T consulting

  • Dimitris Hiotis, Partner, Simon Kucher & Partners

  • Malcolm Lindop. Director & Co-Founder, Swift Travel Consultancy - UK & Middle East Representation – Giata Drive

9 Dec 2020

There is a growing enthusiasm amongst many who wish to travel again, but there is equally as much anxiety. Managing your customer concerns effectively is key to a successful return to more normal business; but with many organisations running with reduced human resources, efficiency is imperative. 


  • Colin Brimson, Co-Founder & CEO, d-flo

12 Nov 2020

The Fight Back

All players within the Travel Industry have suffered significantly from the drastic reduction in business brought on by the restrictions introduced by Governments across the globe. In this, TTI’s Winter Forum, we examined how the travel industry would fight its way back to normality.


  • Kelly Cookes, Leisure Director, Advantage Travel

  • Michael Madison, CEO, menumodo

  • John Strickland, Director, JLS Consulting

  • Eddy Swindell, CRO & Co-Founder, Fresh Relevance

  • Anthony Beresford, Commercial Director, Beyond Analysis

24 Sept 2020

Let's Get Emotional

Emotion is a powerful motivator. Positively appeal to a person’s emotions and they will act as you need them to. This is the basis of just about all advertising from political campaigns to selling travel.


  • Richard Baker, Chief Commercial Officer, Inspiretec

  • Katy Howell, Chief Executive Officer, Immediate Future

  • Moshe Demri, Vice President Revenue, Optimove

  • Cyril Puget, Sales and Marketing Director, myElefant

  • Eddy Swindell, CRO & Co-Founder,Fresh Relevance

18 June 2020

Strategies for Survival and Beyond

Covid-19 and its associated lockdown has had a devastating effect on the entire travel industry, with our customers unable to or simply not willing to travel. The industry is fighting for survival.  We are all hoping to reach better times when we can commence along the road to recovery.


  • John Forgan, Director Business Strategy, Ward Williams

  • John Terry, Global Managing Director, TMS Talent Group

  • Paul Stephen, CEO, Sagittarius Agency

  • Peter Barnsley, Director, Cyber Security, 6point6

  • Oli White, Head of Commercial, Sesui Cloud Comms

19 Sept 2019

Digital Travel 4.0

Consumers are switching from the pre-Internet ways of researching and booking travel to using their mobile phones, tablets and computers. There may come a time when only the smallest percentage of travel is researched and booked offline.


  • Joss Croft, CEO, UKinbound

  • Nick Cooper, Head of Market UK, HolidayPirates

  • Barrie Kelly, Chief Executive, Visit Greenwich

  • Rene Frey, CEO, Insight Guides

  • Paul Rodgers, Chairman, Vendorcom

  • Tony Bean, Director, Vamoos

  • Emily Andrews, Digital Travel Marketing, Advantage

13 June 2019

Hands-On with Customer Engagement

It is a well known marketing fact that it can cost many times more to win a new customer than to keep an existing customer repeatedly purchasing your products. Yet, in today’s digital world customers have become increasingly fickle and disloyal.


  • Paul Stephen, CEO, Sagittarius

  • Dave Bishop, Commercial Director – Gray Dawes Group

  • Katy Howell, CEO Immediate Future

  • Richard Baker, Chief Commercial Officer, Inspiretec Group

21 Mar 2019

CX and the Disloyal Customer

The best known online players, for example Uber, Amazon or Airbnb, spend millions on ensuring that the customer experience they provide is easy and intuitive. The goal is that potential customers should not have to think when interacting with their apps or websites.


  • Guy Stephenson, Chief Commercial Officer, Gatwick Airport

  • Bas Lemmens, CEO,

  • Sean Connell, Head of Design & UX, Loco2

  • Richard Baker, Chief Commercial Officer, Inspiretec Group

  • Paul Stephen, CEO, Sagittarius

  • Benno Iten, Head of Sales & Marketing, Nezasa

  • Yaroslav Kotyshov, VP Revenue Management, Aviasales

  • Sarah Roberts, Experience Strategy Director, cxpartners

7 Nov 2018

AI - The Dawn of a New Age

As we move to a new age of sophisticated machine learning, AI is set to revolutionise the way we conduct business, yielding opportunities for improved customer service, increased business efficiency and more effective customer targeting.


  • Michael Mrini, IT Director, Edwardian Hotels

  • Abhiram Gandhe, Data, Analytics and BI, TUI Group

  • Leonard Blommendaal, CEO, Shopping Minds (Bookit)

  • Gary Richardson, MD, AI, Data and Analytics, 6point6

20 Sept 2018

The Content Revolution

Content is king, so the old saying goes, and that statement has never been truer.  A quiet revolution has been taking place that is seeing content becoming increasingly sophisticated, taking centre stage as one of the most important drivers of online business success.


  • Suzie Thompson, VP Marketing, Red Carnation Hotels

  • Andreas Posmeck, Managing Director, GIATA GmbH

  • John Boulding, Chief Marketing Officer, VOX S.p.A.

  • Filippo Fasolo, Chief Executive Officer, AdsHotel

  • Megan Goodwin, Joint MD, Interactive Rights Management

  • Maggie Petrova, Data Scientist, Objective IT

  • David Woodward, Director, Panoramic Imaging
    Dr Kevin Ashbridge, VP Travel Solutions, SDL plc

7 June 2018

All About Blockchain

Blockchain is being hyped as the new, great technology that will disrupt the Internet. It has gained infamy as the technology behind speculative crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin but, those in the know, see it as a useful piece of tech that will enable us to conduct business in new ways.


  • Roberto da Re, Founder,Travel Ledger

  • Mark Croston, Chief Chief Commercial Officer, Trippki

  • Marcus de Wilde, Enterprise Business Development Manager, Applied Blockchain

13 Mar 2018

AI and the Rise of the Bot

It has been generally accepted by the public that organisations will use their personal data to improve customer interaction.  Achieving this is where artificial intelligence comes in.


  • Michael Mrini, IT Director, Edwardian Hotels

  • Jean Noel Lau Keng Lun, Product Marketing, Egencia

  • Amir Segall, Vice President of Global Supply, HotelTonight

  • Dr Kevin Ashbridge, VP Global Travel Solutions, SDL plc

  • LaraFox, Director, Objective Computing

  • Joerg Esser, Partner, Roland Berger

  • Isaac George, Country Head – UK, Happiest Minds

6 Nov 2017

The Future of Technology in Travel and Hospitality

What does the future hold for the travel and hotel industry?  As technology continues to evolve, new opportunities present themselves to operate our businesses in an increasingly sophisticated manner.


  • Guy Stephenson, Chief Commercial Officer, Gatwick Airport

  • David Chappell, Head of Technology, Gray Dawes Group

  • Andy Mallinson, Managing Director EMEA, Stackla

18 Mar 2014

The Digilution of Travel

With the launch of internet airlines such as easyJet, the mainstream leisure travel companies came to the realisation that being online did not mean putting your brochure on the web but what was needed was the ability for customers to book online.


  • John Straw, Chairman Digital Advisory Board, Thomas Cook

  • Caroline Bremner, Head of Travel & Tourism, Euromonitor

  • Eddie Robb, CEO & Founder, Make it Social

  • Peter Ward, Co-founder & CEO, Where Are You Now?

  • Paola Lopez, Search Best Practice – Travel, Google

  • Rob Stross, Director,

  • Peter Matthews, CEO, Nucleus

  • Dr Nicola Millard, Customer Experience Futurologist, BT

28 Apr 2009

Search and Rescue

Most travel companies are now selling online although with varying degrees of success. Those that are doing well have had to work hard for their success. The online channel gives businesses the opportunity to not only extend their reach beyond their traditional markets, but also to increase efficiency through a greater degree of automation.


  • Paul Evans, Chief Executive, Lowcost Travel Group

  • Neil McCarthy, Chief Marketing Officer, Latitude Group

  • Robin Devlin, Industry Manager Travel, Google UK

  • Greig Holbrook, Director, OBAN Multilingual

  • Ray Mason, ex-Managing Director,

  • Sandra Leonhard, Director Web Strategy & Business Development, TUI Travel plc

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